An important practice in Kalash mythology is the close observation of the Kalash astronomers at the beginning of the New Year in December. The Kalash believe that a new sun is born on Dec 21 and the time and style of the new sun affect it. The traditional female dress includes a black robe and an embroidered long cap decorated with cowrie shells, ornaments, and beads. This style of dress is still popular among local women despite the availability of a variety of modern clothes.

The Kalash secluded women during monthly periods and pregnancies by confining them to a place called Bashali. Each Kalash village has a Bashali outside the settlement. The women are allowed to work in the fields but are not allowed to go home or inside the village.


Kalash belief is based on the strict separation of the pure (Onjeshta) and impure (Pragata) realms. Women, according to it, are considered untouchable and impure during their time in the Bashali. Kalash houses and monuments show that the community has a rich background of skills in various arts and crafts, especially woodwork and woolen products. Effigies and Privileges of human and animal figures in Kalash monuments are a testimony to their skill.

The Kalash have unique funeral rituals. According to their beliefs, the departed soul is eager to leave the body and meet other souls after a long separation. They sing special songs and perform a funeral dance.

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