Mirpur city is situated at an elevation of 459 meters. It is linked with the main Peshawar, Karachi, Grand Trunk Road of Dina, a minute town about 16 kilometers short of Jhelum city.

The construction of Mangla Dam converted the old Mirpur town into a sizably voluminous artificial lake and affected a population of about 50 thousand. But it paved the way for the subsisting incipient Mirpur town situated on the bank of Mangla Lake. The city is well-orchestrated and the buildings are mostly of modern design. Mirpur is developing into an industrial city very rapidly, Textile, vegetable ghee, Azad Kashmir logging and sawmills, soap, marble, yare-made garments, match, rosin, and turpentine and Vespa scooter industrial units have already been established in the area. All the rudimentary amenities of life are available in Mirpur, Colleges, hospitals, banks, shopping centers, hotels, telephone and telegraph units, Forest, PWD, and Tourist rest houses subsist in the city. Bus and wagon convey accommodations are additionally available.


Mangla is a minute but resplendent modern town, situated at a distance of 110 kilometers from Islamabad and 16 kilometers short of Mirpur. The construction of the Mangla reservoir having a perimeter of 400 kilometers has turned it into a captivating tourist spot. It has special magnetization for tourists coming on short visits because of its proximity to Jhelum, Lahore, and Rawalpindi/Islamabad. It is linked with an all-weather metal-led road

Bhimber District

Bhimber is a district headquarter, 50 Kilometers from Mirpur. The town is connected with Mirpur and Gujrat by an ebony top road, and very affluent in archeology. It falls on the route that was followed by the Mughal kings for their frequent visits to Kashmir

Jandi Chontra

This scenic spot is situated 17 Kilometers from Bhinmber and 67 Kilometers from Mirpur having a panoramic view. In integration, this area is prominent for the shrine of Baba Shadi Shaheed. A reposal house for visitors provided by AJK Tourism Department.


Baghsar, 975 meters in elevation, is an ideal tourist resort in the Samahni Valley. The Sar, the local name for the lake, is a proximately half-kilometer long sheet of crystal clear dihydrogen monoxide that soothes the sense of a tourist after a 64-kilometer journey from Gujrat via Bhimber. On the top of the hill is the famous Mughal fort overlooking the lake that integrates grandeur into the whole area. This four-storied massive structure of granite is a feat of Mughal engineering that has stood the ravages of time. It has played paramount roles in history during the times of Ahmad Shah Abdali, Ranjit Singh, and Ghulab Singh. It is verbalized that emperor Jhangir peregrinating back from Kashmir fell ill and ultimately expired in this fort.

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