
Main areas of investment are:

  • Fruit Processing Plants.
  • Apple Treatment Plants.
  • Date Processing Plants.
  • Tomato Paste Manufacturing.
  • Fried/ Dried Onion Plants.
  • Cut-flower Business & Floriculture.
  • Plantation of Palm Trees and Processing.
  • Cool Chains.

Date Processing Plant

  • In 1996-97 only, 60,905 tonnes of dates worth US $25 million were exported.
  • The share of dried dates in this amount being 70%.
  • 11% of the production was exported in 1997.

Area in Hectares

  • Apple is an important crop in Balochistan in terms of the people employed, the value of the output, and the revenue it generates.
  • The apple export of Pakistan during the last five years is only on the average: 2,960 tonnes per year constituting just 0.5% of its total production.
  • Main Reason for low export volume is the absence of a treatment plants required to treat and pack the fruit according to the International Market Requirements.

Oil Palms Cultivation And Subsequent Processing

  • Pakistan imported 1.2 metric tonnes of palm oil annually and it was being increased by 16%, annually.
  • Pakistan is totally dependent on imports to cover its demand of palm oil.
  • Low cost import substitution product.
  • Any potential investment company can provide semi-refined form of palm oil to the local market through an oil expeller unit.

Cool Chains

  • To develop Farm-to-Market Infrastructure.
  • To promote the exports of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • To Attain the maximum value for the produce of Balochistan.
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