The Ease of doing business index ranks countries against each other based on how the regulatory environment is conducive to business operation stronger protections of property rights. Economies with a high rank (1 to 20) have simpler and friendlier regulations for businesses. This page includes a chart with historical data for Ease of Doing Business in Pakistan. Ease of Doing Business in Pakistan – actual data, historical chart and calendar of releases – was last updated on November of 2017.

Actual Previous Highest Lowest Dates Frequency
147.00 144.00 148.00 85.00 2008 – 2017 Yearly
  • Starting a business: Pakistan made starting a business easier by replacing the need to obtain a digital signature for company incorporation with a less costly personal identification number. This change applies to both Karachi and Lahore.
  • Registering property: Pakistan (Karachi) improved the transparency of the land registration process by making the fee schedule and list of documents to submit for property registration available online.
  • Protecting minority investors: Pakistan increased minority investor protections by making it easier to sue directors in case of prejudicial transactions with interested parties. This reform applies to both Karachi and Lahore.
  • Trading across borders: Pakistan made importing and exporting easier by developing a new container terminal and enhancing its customs platform for electronic document submission. These changes apply to both Karachi and Lahore.
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