The Office of DG (I&P) is an attached department of Ministry of Interior, responsible to deal with the matters concerning issuance of Passports, Visas, Pakistan Citizenship and Renunciation of Pakistan Citizenship Certificates.
Pakistani Visa Policy
Visa General Policy – The Department is responsible for granting/extending visas in these categories of foreigners. Grace period is only for the reason that no penalty shall be levied on visa extension after its expiry.
Machine Readable Visa (MRV)
The Directorate General of Immigration & Passports is in a process of launching Machine Readable Visa (MRV) System and has successfully launched in Regional Passport Offices (RPO’s) the system of providing the foreign nationals the MRV, in following cites at Provincial Capitals of Pakistan;
- Islambad (DGI&P’s Headquarter).
- Lahore (Garden Town).
- Peshawar.
- Quetta.
- Karachi (Saddar).
Visa Fee Structure
Visa Fee is always charged on a reciprocal basis of the respective country.
Click here to Download: Visa Fee Structure
Click here to Download: Visa Form

More about passport/visa services visit:
- Directorate General of Immigration & Passports:
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government of Pakistan:
- National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA):
About Pakistan Online Visa System
The government of Pakistan has implemented and launched an online Visa Issuance System, called “Pakistan Online Visa”. This system allows Foreign Nationals to apply for an online visa to visit Pakistan under various categories (Business, Tourism, Study, Work, etc).
The guide covers the following steps;
Create an account on the Pakistan Online Visa System and then login to your account. Complete the Remaining Application and Pay the mentioned Fees. After this process, Submit the Application.
The Pakistan Online Visa System can be accessed by visiting the following link
Getting Familiar with the Pakistan Online Visa Website
1. Accessing Pakistan Online Visa Website
You can access the Pakistan Online Visa website at: You will land on the MAIN page of the Pakistan Online Visa website >> E-VISA SITE
The website contains all the required information on visiting Pakistan and many informational resources.
Visa Categories
You can browse through the VISA Categories tab to learn which visa is suitable for you. When you select a particular visa, a description of the visa is displayed. You will also see the following details for the corresponding visa;
- Eligibility Criteria
- Duration and Validity of the Visa
- Visa Requirements
- Processing Time
- A Video Tutorial
2. How To Register
You can register on the Pakistan Online Visa System by clicking on ‘APPLY NOW’. Click on ‘Create a New Account‘. And now provide the Required Information.
- Enter your Name
- Enter your Surname
- Enter your Email Address
- Re-type your Email Address
- Enter your Passport Number
- Re-type your Passport Number
- Type the CAPTCHA Code
- Check the box to Agree to the ‘Terms of Services’
- When you are finished, click on ‘Save and Continue’
Note: Please provide your name as it appears on the passport
When you are successfully registered, the following message will appear on the screen
An email confirmation is sent to your registered Email Address that contains your PIN number as shown below. Click on the “Continue Registration” link to proceed.
- Enter your PIN and click ‘Verify’ as shown below.
- SUCCESS! You are now registered in the Pakistan Online Visa System
- Upon successful verification, you will be redirected to the Login Page
Note: If you do not receive the Email Confirmation, please click on the “Resend Code” button
3. How to Login to the Pakistan Online Visa System
Upon successful verification, you will be redirected to the Login Page. Follow the steps below;
- Enter your Email Address
- Enter your Password
- Enter the CAPTCHA Code
- Click on Login button
Note: If you forget your password, please click on the “Forgot Password” link and follow the steps;
- Enter your registered email address, enter CAPTCHA Code and click “Reset Password” button.
- An email will be sent to your registered email address with the “Password Reset” link as shown below.
- Click on the link and you will be redirected to the following page.
- Enter your new password, Retype your new password. Enter CAPTCHA Code, then click Reset.
- Now click “Back to Login” button and login using the new password.
- Read and Accept the “Terms and Conditions” by checking the box.
- Click the “Accept and Continue” button
SUCCESS! You are now Logged In to the Pakistan Online Visa System